Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm So Excited!

My brother proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years almost a month ago and I am ecstatic! Even though I almost ruined it. He was going up to surprise her for her birthday - which I found out from my mom - except she left off the very important part that it was a surprise. So when I talked to Lisa on her birthday I asked her if she was excited about Matt coming up for the weekend. She had no idea what I was talking about - I realized then that I had just let the cat out of the bag. I tried desperately to cover it up and told her I could have misunderstood my mom. Not long after that I wished her a happy birthday and ended the conversation. I went back and forth on whether or not to call Matt and tell him what I had done. I called mom instead and they were not happy. I told them I would try to fix it, so I called Lisa back and in a high pitched loud voice (I am not a good liar) I explained to her that I had misunderstood my mom and that Matt was not coming up. I apologized if I might have gotten her hopes up. She said she had not expected him to come anyways.

Two days later I get a call from my brother and I was terrified to answer it - I thought he was going to say I had ruined his big birthday surprise. I braced myself and answered the phone. To my relief he said I did not ruin it. As I was apologizing to him again for almost ruining it, he revealed a much bigger surprise - that they were engaged! I was so caught up in apologizing it took me a minute to process it - they got engaged - YAHOO - and once I fully comphrehended what he had just told me - I yelled "I almost ruined your engagement!" But I didn't. It was a great day for them and I am so excited that I am going to get a sister - I have never had one of those before (except for my best friend - Caley).

To make it even better I got a phone call today from my soon to be sister-in-law (Lisa) and she asked me to officiated her and my brother's wedding! I am so honored that they asked me and I am so excited. I told her I need to get started now because I want to make it the best wedding ever! I can't wait for them to get married - March 29, 2008! Congrats Matt and Lisa!

1 comment:

Kara said...

yay for weddings!
hopefully you won't have any word mishaps when you officiate! (I think you know what I mean....articulate your words...) HAHA