Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Stir-Fry Valentines

When Kevin and I got married four years ago, Kevin convinced me to buy a certain pan. It was in the shape of a wok, and the way he convinced me to buy it was by promising me that he would make me stir-fry. (Sounds similar to - I got NFL Sunday Ticket so you can watch your Bears anytime you want.) Well in the past four years, I haven't seen any stir-fry - only at PF Changs, Pei Wei or Fugi's. So every time I got that pan out over the past few years I have asked when am I going to get that stir-fry you promised? He finally came through - four years later I got my stir-fry on Valentines. He surprised me and it was amazing! I told him that we should make this a regular occurance - him in the kitchen. It was a great Valentine's day - very sweet and well thought out. I love and appreciate him more than he knows!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Aww. What a good husband. Fianlly following through 4 years later. :) That is so romantic though. Way to go Kevin!!!