Thursday, February 22, 2007

Passion Week Kick-Off

Last night we kicked off the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Service at First Baptist. It has been something that our youth group has done for the last 4 years. It has been an amazing experience of different denominations gathering together and walking alongside Jesus on His way to the cross. Last night we had close to 300 6th-12th graders gathered together and praising the Lord. They were challenged to give something up for the next 40 days as they prepare their minds and hearts for Christ's journey to the cross. They then were given the opportunity to get ashes put on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. It was not until last night that I finally realized the full symbolism behind the ashes. Ashes are put on our foreheads to remind us that we are sinful people and that we will one day die. This is kind of morbid and sad if you think about it, BUT the amazing thing I learned last night is there is HOPE in the symbol as well. The ashes are placed on the forehead in the shape of a cross - the cross reminds us that there is hope and it is through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that we will have eternal life. It all came together for me last night - what I had been receiving for all these years finally made complete sense.

It was also amazing to watch as our students grasped the concept too. As they lined up and got ashes put on their heads by one of the leaders from our church. It is a memory that I will cherish for a long time. I am excited about this season of Lent, and what the Lord is going to reveal to me through this time of reflection and sacrifice.


Kate said...

I think it's great that our youth group observes Ash Wednesday and Lent. It's something I never did growing up, and I'm glad that our youth are getting to experience and practice it. Are you giving something up? I don't know what I would choose.

Nicole said...

I didn't even know what Lent WAS growing up, so I think this is GREAT for the youth group to do. I am so glad that it was a great experience for ya'll. I have even thought about talking to my girls about it and letting them give something up. I love that concept. So ask me at next small group if I did it.