Monday, February 26, 2007

What a Weekend and What a Husband!

This weekend we had our first ever Winter Retreat - I know it is 80 degrees outside and not really winter, but the ice storm in January pushed us back to this weekend. This retreat is the first one I have ever done at Highland that has consisted of both middle school and high school students - we had about 80 of them in all. It was amazing - the last lunch of the retreat I remember looking around and listening - this was the first time that I can remember where our youth group has been all together and in community. It was a great weekend.

The theme for the weekend was Crushed. We jumped into 2 Corinthians and talked about what a hard-pressed life looks like and how we are not crushed because of Christ. The students wrote on tiles the things that seem to be weighing heavy on them or seem crushing. They then crushed the tiles and those crushed pieces were made into crosses - to symbolize that Christ can take crushed lives and put them back together. It was a good weekend.

I also have an amazing husband. He went on this retreat and helped me lead a group. He supports me in so many ways, but I love it when we get the opportunity to do ministry together. It is also the little things that make him so great - after the crosses had been made there were pieces of tiles left over and Kev stayed up late to help me put one together for my office. I love and appreciate him more than he will probably ever know!


Kara said...

way to go Kev!

I'm glad the weekend went well. I was hoping yall weren't too effected by the 60 mph winds. ugh.

Hollie Reese said...

HI!! I am glad I finally found your blog! I hope you are doing great!

Nicole said...

Yeah for good husbands!!! Kevin scored some points with that one huh? Your weekend sounded great. I love the idea of those crosses. Very cool!